Regular weekly / monthly events open to the public
Click on links below for details of each group / club
Earthkind 2nd Monday of every month 7:30-9:00 pm
Table Tennis Alternate Mondays From 7pm
Hatha Yoga Tuesdays 9:30-10:30 am
Soup Lunches 3rd Weds of every month From 1pm
Parish Council Meeting 2nd Thursday of every month 7:00-8:30 pm
200 Club Coffee Morning, 4th Thursday every month 10:00-12:00 am
Whist Drive Alternate Fridays 7:45-10:00 pm
Additional events info
Monday 16th December from 7pm table tennis
This is a new fortnightly activity costing £2 per person, which includes refreshments.
Contact John Watts 07725 277255 for further information.
Saturday 14th December 10am-2pm wreath making
​Coffee and mini mince pie on arrival.
Lunch included: soup and roll.
This will be run by Michelle Sharland. Cost: £15.
Saturday 18th January 10am-12.00 bring & buy coffee morning
An opportunity to pass on unwanted gifts and other items in good condition to new homes, and help to raise a little extra cash for the hall. Our collection of 2nd hand books will also be on sale. The usual delicious refreshments will be available, including soft drinks for children.
Saturday 22nd February - quiz night
Details to follow.