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soup lunches

Soup lunches are run by a rota of volunteers. Funds that are raised from these lunches go to various different charities.

These are small, friendly, social occasions for the over 50s, running on the 3rd Wednesday of every month, from 1pm.

The cost is £5 for soup, pudding and tea/coffee. 


The remaining 2024 rota is as follows (though it may be subject to change)

August   21st                       Amanda, Richard, Maureen                     Contact: 850661  
September 18th                    Hazel, Shirley, Pearl                                Contact: 850396
October    23rd                     Sue, Lorna, Marian                                  Contact: 580447
November 20th                     Averil, Melanie, Linda,                           Contact: 850537
December 18th                     Sue, Lorna, Marian                                  Contact: 580447

200 club coffee mornings

Coffee mornings ​run on the 4th Thursday of each month. Like the Soup Lunches these are friendly, social occasions. UNLIKE the Soup Lunches these are open to any age group. Anybody is welcome to come for a hot drink and the usual delicious cake selection, for the cost of a donation. Just turn up any time between 10 - 12, although for the best choice of cake earlier is better than later! Monies raised go towards Village Hall funds.

whist drive

This runs fortnightly. Monies raised go to hall funding.



The schedule for the remainder of the year is as follows (though it may be subject to change)

July 26th

August 9th, 23rd

September 6th, 20th

October 4th, 18th

November 1st, 15th, 29th​

December 6th, 20th.​



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